Jeff and Todd

Jeff and Todd

Where it all began...

  1. So Jeff and I love a good pie. Travelling as we do with Osler, now and again we've had the chance to sample the local fare. Not the mass produced variety, but the little bundles of love you can only get in a local pie shop or bakery.
  2. This all started as a running joke. As we made our way back up the Bruce Highway to the Sunshine Coast after yet another Brisbane trip, we passed "The World Famous Beefy's Pies". Resisting the urge, we vowed to save our Beefy's for a special occasion, perhaps our first sale. Everytime we passed Beefy's en route to home, we gazed longingly out the window, the car almost steering itself down the offramp. But we held firm, even when our colleagues threatened to sabotage our mission.
  3. With our first sale behind us it was time to break our duck. Beefy's didn't disappoint. In the glorious afternoon sunshine in May, Jeff tucked into a chunky beef, while I got stuck into my favorite, a steak, bacon and cheese. Mmmmmm.

    1. And so it began. Our mission now to document our Pie Cruise as we travel our home state, our nation and the world at large.
    2. Our mission? A parallel, cross-over systematic analysis of selected pie shops in our Osler journey

      Below you can follow our journey in reverse chronological order

      If you have a suggestion for our blog, please feel free to send it to

Thursday 1 September 2016

Maldon, Victoria

  1. July 20, 2016

    I love the country around central Victoria. The lush green pastures where the newborn lambs are a-frolicking, interspersed with thatches of stringy bark gums and criss-crossed with gullies fit for a Kelly gang hideout.  
  2. A quiet little town midway between the bigger regional centres of Bendigo and Ballarat, Maldon has somehow hung onto the charm and dignity of 19th century central Victoria. I've been visiting it since I was a child, my grandfather owning a little getaway cottage here in the 1980s. The place is full of family memories, and today is a great chance to revisit the old town.
  3. It's pretty hard to take a bad picture in Maldon, from the gorgeous old pubs like the Kangaroo Hotel, to the beautifully restored Morris sitting out side the hardware store, to the flaky paint of the Bushell's Tea sign that still adorns the entire 2-storey side of the general store. You know its an historic centre when even the public loo is stunningly beautiful. Capping it off is the surprising warmth of the midwinter sun that breaks through the clouds as we drive into town. It's certainly worth the stop.
  4. The World Famous McArthur's Bakery has been proudly operating from its current site since well before the turn of the 20th century. In fact, according to a clipping from the Maldon News (dated 22 June 1900) adorning the wall by the door, you can have your picnic catered for "at reasonable rates and in the best style." Piefection.
  5. Along on the ride today is our Chief Technology Officer, Ian, who doesn't hesitate in selecting the Pepper Steak Pie. I've got a Beef, Cheese and Tomato. Things are all going well until a spectacular technical failure results in saucing of more than just Ian's pie. Undeterred, Jeff, looking resplendent in his new polka-dot shirt, gets stuck in to his favorite, the Chunky Beef. That's what you get I suppose for bringing developers on the road with you.
  6. The verdict?
  7. Ian : Almost perfect with a firm pastry and a great spicy pepper sauce. Osler pie score 4.5/5.0
  8. Jeff : Loved the pie profile - a great height and the oval shape is something you only ever get in a country bakery. Nice chunks, and a great solids:moisture ratio. Ambience slightly disturbed by saucing fiasco. Osler pie score 4.0/5.0
  9. Todd : Slightly disappointed by the limited cheese and the ever so slightly undercooked crust. 3.5/5.0
  10. Overall : fantastic detour on our ongoing adventure, and well worth a stop if you're up this way

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