Jeff and Todd

Jeff and Todd

Where it all began...

  1. So Jeff and I love a good pie. Travelling as we do with Osler, now and again we've had the chance to sample the local fare. Not the mass produced variety, but the little bundles of love you can only get in a local pie shop or bakery.
  2. This all started as a running joke. As we made our way back up the Bruce Highway to the Sunshine Coast after yet another Brisbane trip, we passed "The World Famous Beefy's Pies". Resisting the urge, we vowed to save our Beefy's for a special occasion, perhaps our first sale. Everytime we passed Beefy's en route to home, we gazed longingly out the window, the car almost steering itself down the offramp. But we held firm, even when our colleagues threatened to sabotage our mission.
  3. With our first sale behind us it was time to break our duck. Beefy's didn't disappoint. In the glorious afternoon sunshine in May, Jeff tucked into a chunky beef, while I got stuck into my favorite, a steak, bacon and cheese. Mmmmmm.

    1. And so it began. Our mission now to document our Pie Cruise as we travel our home state, our nation and the world at large.
    2. Our mission? A parallel, cross-over systematic analysis of selected pie shops in our Osler journey

      Below you can follow our journey in reverse chronological order

      If you have a suggestion for our blog, please feel free to send it to

Saturday 3 September 2016

London, England

  1. Dateline 3 September, 2016
  2. Today's entry is by Guest Pie Blogger, Osler COO Steve Sacks :
  3. Feeling a bit peckish after touring the sights of London this morning, I drop into the Horse & Stables in Lambeth North on the way back to our Airbnb for a bite to eat. Sadly, Todd & Jeff are not with me this afternoon as we part ways today for the rest of our world tour.  
  4. The Sherlock Holmes ambiance at the Horse & Stables has my mouth watering with anticipation as I dither over my options, finally settling on the Chicken & Mushroom.

    After a short wait and a bit of hydration, my steaming plate arrives. Beautifully presented, I'm a little concerned at first about the relatively small size of the pie itself. However, it's surrounded by a mass of peas, carrots and chips, so I'm not overly worried. Because of the lashings of gravy, I do have to use cutlery to tuck into this one. And I am not disappointed - creamy, but not overly so, the chicken to mushroom ratio is nearly perfect (and the nice sized chunks of chicken are just what the doctor ordered).  (Editor's note : No I didn't!)
  5. I had been slightly apprehensive about the gravy, but it has just the right amount to add a depth of flavour while still leaving the crust with a lovely crunch. And with the pea and carrot to complement it, I almost feel as though I am having a balanced meal!

    Fully satisfied, I can't even finish the carrots and chips! One of my best pie experiences in recent memory, the only reason the Horse & Stables isn't getting a 5 is due to the relatively limited sample size I have to work with, and the possibility that it could get even better than this!

    Osler Pie Rating: 4.6

Barcelona, Spain

  1. Dateline : 30 August 2016
  2. Steve, Jeff and I are in Barcelona to present a poster at the AMEE conference, the peak industry meeting for medical educators world-wide. Its an exciting opportunity for us, and we've had a big week chatting to people from all over the world. 
  3. I've spent the week on Google trying to find somewhere in Barcelona to endulge in a "Pastis Carn", all to no avail. I'm beginning to think this leg of our journey is going to come up bare. Jeff suggests the Irish pub, but I just don't think that's cool.
  4. It's time for a bit of R+R.
  5. The old city of Barcelona is incredibly beautiful. Free from official duties this glorious late summer afternoon, Jeff and I catch a tourist bus around some of the sites, before alighting at the top of La Rambla. This famous tree-lined avenue stretches out before us like a river of life, seething with humanity as the locals come out to play in the evening sunshine. Everywhere you look are centuries old alley-ways and placas to explore. Wandering through the narrow laneways that branch out from the main thoroughfare, you can almost hear history's echos calling from the stoney walls.
  6. There's no shortage of wandering to do as we explore churches and markets, shops and squares. 
  7. And suddenly, there it is! Our mission lies dead ahead in the tiny shop window!
  8. These little beauties are called Empanama Argentina - spiced mince, onions, olives and red peppers, encased in an ever-so-slightly sweet pastry crust. Delicioso!
  9. It's just the right size to stop the worms biting while we have a bit more of a poke around without spoiling our dinner, so Jeff and I both give it a 4.5
  10. I'm presuming this is the Spanish equivalent of tomato sauce?
  11. Meandering on, we eventually find Steve camped in a winebar in yet another stunning Placa in the El Born district. It couldn't be a better punctuation mark on our week in Spain.

Thursday 1 September 2016

Wooloomooloo Bay, Sydney

  1. Monday 15th August, 2016

    Harry's Cafe de Wheels is an institution in ol' Sydney Town. It dates back over 70 years now, to the times of the great depression when the winds of war beginning to blow across the city once more.
  2. A young Sydney-sider named Harry Edwards thought it would be a great idea to run a cafe from his caravan, and parked it at the end of Wooloomooloo bay, where the Naval Yards lay. A steady stream of soldiers, sailors, scumbags and socialites became loyal fans, and word spread quickly. Before long, the pie-cart had became part of Sydney folklaw.
  3. We're standing before the cart, surveying the impressive photo catalogue of stars who have sampled Harry's wares. Elton John, Pamela Anderson, Hugh Jackman, Brooke Shields, Frank Sinatra, Robert Mitchum, Marelene Dietrich, Kerry Packer, Sir Richard Branson, Russell Crowe, Kevin Costner, Pat Rafter, Olivia Newton-John, Jerry Lewis, Billy Crystal, Sara O’Hare, Lachlan Murdoch. The list goes on. Even Colonel Sanders has his picture taken there, hoovering up a pie.
  4. But none of them are as famous as Laurina Fleure, from episode 2 of The Bachelor, Australia. Bachelor Blake thought the HMF bachelorette might need a bit of "real world, down and dirty" fun, but he soon realised he had missed the mark badly. Fans of the show dissolved into hysterics as she uttered the immortal lines, “Everyone else gets Ferraris, super yachts and private jets, and I get a dirty street pie.” Train wreck television at it's finest.
  5. It didn't take them long to get my photo up there, did it? That's Harry himself, in the bottom right picture.

  6. Both Jeff and I take the "World Famous Tiger Pie" option - it's a complex recipe : take one pie, slop on a dollop of mashed potato, a spoon full of mushy peas, and top with gravy. Mmmmmmmm. I'm still a little disconcerted by having anything green on a pie though.
  7. Got to say, it's a great spot to sit and enjoy the pie, though the endless stream of joggers makes it difficult to fully enjoy my pastry treat without a little guilt. Jeff nearly wears his after a close encounter with a cyclist.  
  8. The scores? Definitely scores a 4.5 from both of us. Great pie, but made even better by the nostalgia. Well worth a quick visit if you have the time.