Jeff and Todd

Jeff and Todd

Where it all began...

  1. So Jeff and I love a good pie. Travelling as we do with Osler, now and again we've had the chance to sample the local fare. Not the mass produced variety, but the little bundles of love you can only get in a local pie shop or bakery.
  2. This all started as a running joke. As we made our way back up the Bruce Highway to the Sunshine Coast after yet another Brisbane trip, we passed "The World Famous Beefy's Pies". Resisting the urge, we vowed to save our Beefy's for a special occasion, perhaps our first sale. Everytime we passed Beefy's en route to home, we gazed longingly out the window, the car almost steering itself down the offramp. But we held firm, even when our colleagues threatened to sabotage our mission.
  3. With our first sale behind us it was time to break our duck. Beefy's didn't disappoint. In the glorious afternoon sunshine in May, Jeff tucked into a chunky beef, while I got stuck into my favorite, a steak, bacon and cheese. Mmmmmm.

    1. And so it began. Our mission now to document our Pie Cruise as we travel our home state, our nation and the world at large.
    2. Our mission? A parallel, cross-over systematic analysis of selected pie shops in our Osler journey

      Below you can follow our journey in reverse chronological order

      If you have a suggestion for our blog, please feel free to send it to

Thursday 1 September 2016

Guest Pie Review

  1. Of course, Jeff and I are not the only Osler Technology members who love a good pie. Content editor Jo McMillan shares her own recent experience
  2. I love a pie.... In fact today I had the pleasure of partaking in the joyous offerings from a local pie shop. As I visually scanned the list of flavours, allowing time for my salivary glands to make the ultimate choice I was stopped by a name that bewildered me. A cheeseburger pie. Now I did say it out loud to the lovely lady behind the counter with a confused but engaged tone....a cheeseburger pie? This morsel of flaky delight promised to bring together two of my favourite meals into this possible? I had to find out, so I ordered it to go!!
  3. The anticipation of sinking my teeth into my two favourite meals in one was palpable. I handed out the fruits of my hunting and gathering exercise (a walk across the road to the pie shop) to my family members and with great delight boasted of my discovery. Their disinterest did not take away from the taste sensation I was about to experience. 
  4. Cheeseburger pie
    Cheeseburger pie

  5. Osler pie score 3/5.

    I must say the theory behind the cheeseburger pie was better than the execution and pie eating experience. Although quite palatable, it failed to tick a few very important boxes for the pie eating experience. I will explain:

  6. 1. Correct temperature: This is usually experienced on first bite and should be done with caution as you are not sure if you are biting into a pastry encasing magma-equivalent temperature filling or that which can be tolerated for human consumption. Unfortunately this one was a little on the warm side.

  7. 2. The solids/moisture ratio: Also experienced on the first bite which should see some contents erupt out of numerous points of the pie with risk of staining and/or burning not only your mouth but any part of your body that it may land on. This was not possible as it contained a beef patty with melted cheese (not runny) and some pickles. Far too high solid content to moisture ratio.  

  8. 3. Flavour: completely confusing to the palate. It looked like a pie but tasted like a burger.....with no bun.

    So there it is. Don't think I will order it again but if it was the only pie left and I was really really hungry I would again bow to the cheeseburger pie.....or maybe choose a muffin.

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